Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Jerk of the Week

Brian Camenker, head of the anti-gay group Article 8 Alliance:

He appeared on the Daily Show where he was asked about how gay marriage in Massachusetts would cause the state to fall apart, leading to all kinds of horrors. Of course, the question was a joke, designed to mock him, but he did not get it. He claimed that given the time and doing the research, he could prove that gay marriage leads to homelessness, crime, etc. This earns him "Jerk of the Week", beating out Pat Robertson and Bill O'Reilly.

This article in Bay Windows tells the whole story. I bet the actual interview was a hoot.

Gay marriage has been legal in Massachusetts now for over a year. The state is still here and we have not been swallowed up by the depths of hell. In fact, people seem just a tad bit happier and nicer to each other. Support to amend the state constitution to ban gay marriage is waning.

Hey and guess what else? Look at crime statistics, poverty statistics, divorce statistics for the state of Massachusetts, and compare them to those Red States that have actually put discrimination in their constitutions. Guess which state has the better stats?

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