Friday, January 06, 2006

Death and Taxes..... and Laundry?

Everyone has heard the quote, "Of this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes" (Benjamin Franklin, circa sometime a long time ago). It is requoted or paraphrased over and over again. Well, I would like to add my version:

"Of this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes, and doing laundry"
- Jack, circa 2006.

It seems that I am always doing laundry. I do not do it more often than other people, probably about once per week, but it seems that every time I finish the laundry, I am teleported through time to the next time I am doing laundry. Every time I am filling the washing machine I have this deja vu feeling of "didn't I just do this"?

And while I am on the subject, why do laundry detergents have SO MANY different versions? I mean, liquid Tide has like 75 different kinds to choose from (partnering with Febreeze?). And is there anything more ridiculous than "Fresh Scent"? What is that really supposed to mean? Do we have the choice of "Stale Scent"? No.

My final laundry pet peeve, the laundry bag. I use a cloth bag to cart haul it to the basement. I always throw it in with the load as well, and use it to bring it back up. I swear the thing has consciousness and also tries to hide from me. Whenever I try to empty the hot dryer of its flesh searing contents, it is the first thing I need to get at, but it is always at the most difficult place to get to.

Remember "Lost in Space"? They had the right idea - you dump all the laundry into some machine and close the lid. The machine makes some sci fi noises for a few minutes, and then you remove the folded, plastic packaged contents. Someone should be working on this.

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