Monday, January 23, 2006


So tomorrow I turn 40. It had to happen some day, right? You might wonder if I feel bad or weird or whatever, but I don't at all. So far, my experience has been that life gets better as I get older - so hopefully it just keeps moving that way.

But one thing I do feel is a little proud. Over the past few years I made two promises to myself, goals I wanted to achieve before 40. And I achieved them:

Quitting smoking - A big one. I stupidly started smoking when I was younger and then got completely hooked. I figured that quitting would be impossible, and that I would not succeed - I figured I would have to try it a few times before I got it right. But I wanted to be successfully smoke free by 40, so two years ago I decided to start trying. I did it on my very first try.

Back to the Gym - Another thing I wanted to start doing regularly again before I turned forty and when I quit smoking, I started. I feel great.

So I actually feel better moving into 40 than I probably did when I turned 30. So I feel good about it, but I will probably not rush into making goals for 50.

Weird birthday tidbit:

I am always the same age as the Super Bowl. Whatever number Super Bowl is about to be played is my age. And the Super Bowl is always played right around my birthday (weekend after). The funny thing about this though, is that I never noticed until recent Super Bowls where the Patriots played. Because if the Patriots are not in the Super Bowl, I pretty much don't care.

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