Sunday, December 04, 2005

Well, this sucks

My favorite line from the movie "Madagascar" is the very end. The penguins, who mastermind the whole escape from the NY zoo so they can finally get home to Antarctica (a place they have never seen), finally make it to Antarctica and with howling snow and wind, one turns to the others and says, "well this sucks". Marvelous.

Today, I have a similar feeling. Snow has returned, and well, it sucks. Last spring, some birds built a big old nest in the yard next door, clearly visible from our bedroom window. We watched them move in, have some young, teach them to fly, then disappear when it got colder. Today, it sits alone and quite cold:

Oh well, "cycle of life" and blah, blah. At least it was a pretty picture out the window, first snow of the season and all. But let's not make it a habit.

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