Friday, April 28, 2006

Officials Arrested Protesting the Sudanese

Usually our elected officials make little difference, or do very little that truly impresses me. However, five members of Congress were arrested today protesting at the Sudanese embassy in Washington. This is impressive.

Why were they protesting and therefore arrested? The Sudanese government is actively engaged in genocide against its own people in the Darfur region. Over 400,000 people innocent people have been brutally killed. For more information, see

It amazes me that this type of stuff can be going on. We are so determined to rid Iraq of Saddam Hussein, but essentially ignore the very obvious atrocities going on elsewhere? If Americans are supposed to be leaders in this world, how do we tolerate this type of stuff?

In 2001, President Bush noted in the margins of a report on the Rwandan genocide, "not on my watch". However, we actually work with the Sudanese government because they have become "allies in the war on terror". Do we really want them as our allies? In a war "against TERROR"? I know I don't.

No one is suggesting war on the Sudan or any American military intervention. But the beleagured African Union troops who are tasked with "observing" the situation can not do anything to help or protect the people. The UN should get involved, with peace keeping forces who are tasked with nothing more than protecting the innocent people from warlords. We (as a nation) need to get more vocal about getting the UN in there.

Fill out the online post card urging the President to make good on his promise. This can be done by going here.

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