Friday, April 28, 2006

Gas Problems

You know, no matter how much they cry about low margins, cost of research, tax burdens, etc., I will NEVER be able to accept the excuses for the big oil companies' need to increase their gas prices.

Somewhere, in all the planning and logic regarding justification of these prices, someone is getting majorly screwed - and it is NOT the people who own stock in these companies. It is the average Joe Schmoe American, who is just trying to get by. But now it seems we are working just to put gas in our cars to get to work.

And now there are members of Congress who want to give us a whole $100 rebate to help us out. You know what? I would rather they just donate it to the research efforts to replace OIL as our primary fuel source.

Oh, I forgot, some people in public office do not want us to replace oil as our primary fuel source.

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