Friday, April 14, 2006

The Madonna-fication of Me

I have been a Madonna fan since her very first album, since I was in High School.

However, I have only seen her once before in concert. That was a sunny July day in 1987, with my dear friends Jeff and Sue during the "Who's That Girl?" tour at Foxboro Stadium. We had a great time. I have listened faithfully since then, but have not been back to see her in person.

That is about to change. Prompted by the very same Jeff, I bought two tickets for the July 9 show on her upcoming tour at the BankNorth Garden (Fleet Center) in Boston. This will be especially nice because the Partner is a big Madonna fan as well and July 9 will be our 17th anniversary.

Side Note: Did you know you can actually see the view from your
seats in advance by going to the venue website and choosing the flash tour and entering your seat numbers? Coooolllll....

So, in preparation I downloaded "Confessions on a Dance Floor" to my iPod, strapped it on and listed to it during an particularly effective 45 minutes on the elliptical at the gym! There is only one word for this album - brilliant.

And I am going to see it performed live!

Thanks Jeff for lighting a fire under my ass!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the flash tour is misleading - but cool nonetheless