Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Jerk of the Week

Donald S. Rumsfeld, Secretary of Defense.

Rumsfeld recently had the gall to suggest that people who criticize the foreign policy of the current administration are undermining our efforts to "fight a new facism". He is simply ridiculous.

Our nation is based on the fact that we can (and, in fact must) question the decisions of our leaders. Our leaders do not have an blank check of rule and control. They do, in fact, work for US. We elect them, they are accountable to us and they cannot tell us whether to question their decisions.

Keith Olbermann on MSNBC had a great message to give to the confused Secretary. I say "confused" because Rumsfeld's comments suggests he has no understanding of the liberties our constitution protect. His commentary is worth seeing - Crooks and Liars has it here.

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