Friday, June 09, 2006


David and I watched "Mr. and Mrs. Smith" tonight. It was a much better movie than I was expecting.

I have never been much to follow all the gossip stories about Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. Certainly I know it all, how can you avoid it? Apparently they hooked up while making this movie, he left one of my all time favorite people Jennifer Aniston and the two promptly made a baby. Other people's personal information blazed all over television - blah, blah, blah.

But I realized something watching this movie - these two belong together. They have chemistry and intensity. What made this movie fun to watch was to watch them banter back and forth. It was great. You can see it in their eyes and the tension between them felt very real.

These two had fun making this movie.

Now maybe this was because I know what happened after the fact. But I do not think so. I do not think I would have enjoyed the movie as much if that part of it had not been so much fun.

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