Thursday, July 27, 2006

"Kyle XY"

Anyone else loving this new show?

"Kyle XY" airs Mondays on ABC Family and Fridays on ABC Standard.

Over the past few years, summer has started to become a great time for new TV shows. Cable, of course, has made this easier - with it providing most of the best shows.

Between USA, which has given us "The 4400" (awesome), "Monk", "Dead Zone" and "Psych", and this, I keep the DVR busier than during the regular TV season.

I hope "Kyle XY" is picked up after this season, Part "X-Files", part "Roswell", and hugely part "Lost", the show is very intriguing and well acted. The central family unit may be just a tad too Disney for my taste (admittedly updated to the 21st century), but I like them anyway.

I do hope he is NOT an alien though - that is too over done.

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