Sunday, October 30, 2005

Only 2 Bad Months

Today it was pretty obvious winter is coming, and that made me think about how to keep myself from falling into cold weather depression.

I try to think of it as that there are only two really bad weather months in Boston - the others all have redeeming qualities:

September and October - very pleasant, even though winter approacheth, real cold not quite there and very crisp, nice weather most of the time (except this year, I blame George Bush)
November - cold is still kind of "new" and "exciting" - you get to wear your cold weather stuff again (cozy sweaters, fluffy jackets), sit by a fire and drink cider.
December - the Holidays - who wants warm weather then? Let it snow.
January - this month sucks.
February - this month sucks.
March - although I would say this one sucks, it actually has a light at the end of the tunnel.
April - oh, the beauty of renewal, and IRS.
May - one of the nicest months (except for the hayfever).
June - oh, June
July - if I still felt patriotic, this would be my favorite month, but George Bush ruined that - still a good time for Provincetown!
August - more Provincetown!

So, if you can get through January and February, the rest of the year rocks in New England. And for those two months, just jet away!

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