The cast of "Prison Break" gathers weekly to annoy/intrigue me
The last thing I need in my life is another intriguing show that forces me to give up some time to watch it every week. What with "Amazing Race", "Lost", "Invasion", "Survivor", "Battlestar Galactica" - not to mention the not so regular "Sopranos", "the 4400" - there are just TOO MANY shows! Thankfully "24" is not on until January and "Prison Break" will go on hiatus until the late spring.
"Prison Break" is not a show I would normally like. It involves prison (boring), a vice president (boring), lawyers (yawn) battling evil secret service (been there, done that), and a rebellious youngster (oh, there is something new). It also features no one character that is interesting in any way. I feel no sympathy for any of them individually (and despise several, who may or may not be killed off - one can only hope). When each single aspect of the story is examined alone, every one of them is blah - but somehow, when the whole thing comes together, it gets you hooked.
And some of it is just outright ridiculous. I mean, who makes a Taj Mahal out of matchsticks to give their wife for an anniversary present?
It is almost like an addiction to crack. You know you should not watch it, you do not want to watch it, but you can't stop watching it.
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