Thursday, January 24, 2008

Hillary or Barack?

Ever since she announced her candidacy for President, I have been a Hillary supporter. I even sent her some money and ordered a bumper sticker (but did not put it on my car, as I would never do such a thing - it is over my desk at home).

However, as time goes on, I really want to vote for Barack Obama. I have to admit that I am torn between the two. It is very possible that I was initially moved by the idea of returning to the Clinton era (or any pre-Bush era for that matter), that I was more focused on going backwards and not forwards. In my defense, Bush does kind of motivate us to invent time travel. Obama initially seemed like a fringe candidate - I was familiar with him and liked what he represented but I figured he would not be a real contender. But now I am not so sure and as I prepare to vote in the democratic primary in MA, my once concrete vote for Hillary is now up for grabs.

What to do, what to do....?

Update (2/5/08) - I voted for Hillary after all.

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