The guy from my gym during his heyday
He has the same features, that same goatee, the beady eyes, the pointy bald head. Everything about the guy cries Lenin.
This is quite remarkable, as Lenin has been reportedly dead some 80 or so years, but not totally impossible. Supposedly his body lies eternally in state in Moscow. But I am suspicious of bodies in glass coffins that do not decompose. It is far MORE likely that what lies in state is a wax dummy and that the real Soviet revolutionary walks the earth as an Immortal, and works out at my gym.
So how do you approach so powerful a historical figure? I mean, he has a Grad named after him. I would ask how he's doing, but given the whole "Fall of Soviet communism thing", I might be better off on a lighter topic. Perhaps sharing Abduction techniques. But certainly, we will stay away from Stalinesque treachery, young Czarevech's or Boris Yeltsin.
I have to admit that I wonder what he does in his spare time - does he work? I only hope he is not organizing any "movements" - we've seen what can happen with that.