Today it was pretty obvious winter is coming, and that made me think about how to keep myself from falling into cold weather depression.
I try to think of it as that there are only two really bad weather months in Boston - the others all have redeeming qualities:
September and October - very pleasant, even though winter approacheth, real cold not quite there and very crisp, nice weather most of the time (except this year, I blame George Bush)
November - cold is still kind of "new" and "exciting" - you get to wear your cold weather stuff again (cozy sweaters, fluffy jackets), sit by a fire and drink cider.
December - the Holidays - who wants warm weather then? Let it snow.
January - this month sucks.
February - this month sucks.
March - although I would say this one sucks, it actually has a light at the end of the tunnel.
April - oh, the beauty of renewal, and IRS.
May - one of the nicest months (except for the hayfever).
June - oh, June
July - if I still felt patriotic, this would be my favorite month, but George Bush ruined that - still a good time for Provincetown!
August - more Provincetown!
So, if you can get through January and February, the rest of the year rocks in New England. And for those two months, just jet away!
Sunday, October 30, 2005
Saturday, October 29, 2005
Thursday, October 27, 2005
What A Bird
Before I can post anything to this blog, I need to tell you about who inspired it. He is Rick, my 30 year old African Gray Parrot. A bird? Yes, and not just any bird, but "what a bird". If you do not know the African Gray Parrot, it is one of the most talkative of the parrot world. It not only mimics you, but also your mannerisms, tone of voice, and even your voice itself. Plus, they have a 'tude. Rick, is a Tude Dude.
He talks up a storm into the mirror, apparently believing he is conversing with another bird. He squawks when he wants attention, screams if you do not give it to him, then kisses you when you do. He says "goodbye" in a sad way when I leave for work then comes running across the floor to meet me when I get home (like a dog) - and you have not seen anything until you see a parrot run across the floor to climb on your foot.
He is one of my greatest irritants, and my funniest friends. He says all kinds of things - a very extensive vocabulary he has learned over his long life. But of all the things he says, the one that amuses me the most is the one that is the title of this blog. You see, they listen to you carefully (you can see it in their eyes) and then one day, they start saying something new, and when they do, they don't stop.
Whenever he annoyed me, I would say "what a bird" in a condescending voice. One day, he suddenly started saying that, and not only saying it, but saying it in my voice, with my condescending tone. And when he learned it, it never stopped, he kept on saying it and it was the funniest thing ever.
Anyway, other than my beloved partner of 17 years, Rick is the most important "person" to me - he is my family, despite the feathers.
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